As a painting contractor, your number one goal is to get customers. To get customers, you need to make yourself known. You need to learn effective ways to do this and your number one tool should be your own great customer cover letter.
The cover letter is the first thing potential customers will see about your painting business. As such, you need to make sure it’s eye catching and the right tone for your service. You need to play off the parts of the customer cover letter that will make you their best choice for a painting service.
Let’s take a look at some of the main parts of a great customer cover letter.
If you are applying for a lawn and garden contractor, it would probably be best to talk about your experience in the industry. You would illustrate your experience of working on different types of lawns and gardens. You really need to mention some of the projects you have completed. Customers will be interested, especially if you are maintaining a similar theme in one of the projects you did.
In the watercolor painting business, you will want the customer to know about your skill in creating computer artwork and how you can provide high quality art in a timely manner. It’s best to leave those details for other talking points in the discussion.
- Don’t make you donuts – Talk about a client you have worked with in the past
Being a painting contractor can take a lot of time. So it’s best to talk about a client you have worked with before. This will allow the prospective client to know you’re capable of this sort of thing and it will also be a great selling point for having you work for them. If a client calls you, be willing to say yes or no if they are interested in a painting project with you. It is a good way to build your reputation.
- Show up and show up – Make sure you get through to the right person
In any type of business, always use the customer approach. This means that you need to make sure during your conversation with the potential client, you just make sure to get to them and also make sure you can take their order and have it shipped or picked up on time, preferably with the lowest money possible. This will be a selling point as well.
Don’t make it a case of if, thenTell the customer what you are completely going to do for them if they chose to work with you. You may be able to create an opportunity to do some other sort of work, but you will never be able to make a great sale if you cannot make the sale. Next, be sure you are replacing anything they not happy with also.
- Answer what the customer wants to see
Once you have all of your talking points down, you need to take a look at your opportunities. It’s pretty simple; the job is to answer all of the questions the customer wants to put into the discussion. Also, make sure you answer all the questions.
As you can see, a painting business cover letter is something that you need to focus on in order to land the jobs. A lot of these cover letters tend to come across as a “Jayapoker” in how they are structured. You should understand that by focusing on the points as much, you will be able to get the job. Basically, you’re adding information, pictures, and whatever that will make the customer want to pick up the phone and ask questions.
As a painter, you are going to design and execute certain things that need to go inside of the cover letter you create for yourself. This means, as a painting contractor, you need to focus on the things that are going inside of your cover letter. Remember, if you don’t go over the points with the potential client, they will never really be able to see if you can complete the project they need work done on.