When it comes to poker, there is more than one way to skin a cat. There are many different strategies you can use in many different situations. A good poker player will learn to identify these and exploit them, and become a very profitable poker player over time. This is no easy task, however, since the variables are people, position, the board, the blind, the antes, the number of players, etc. Any situation in which you can be placed in a hand requires careful consideration of your hole cards and your position.
Position in DewaGG is often overlooked, and many players become more aggressive than they are worth. This is not a problem when you are in position, but when you are out of position, you are at a disadvantage. Your leverage is gone and you are just another player in a pot. The reverse is also true: if you are playing out of position, you are at a great advantage.
The important thing to understand is that position is a limited resource. Once you have position, you are at a disadvantage no matter what cards you play. The only exception is when you are in the small blind or big blind. Since in the small blind or big blind you have very little information about your opponents, you can play more hands per hour with these hands. Still, being in late position with a calling station on the button is a horrible place to be.
In the big blind, you are at a disadvantage before the flop. If you have committed chips there, you are going to have to act first against several players. The good thing about this being the dealer button, is that being in late position, you are at the most risk of being outdrawn.
Drawing a bad hand is the biggest excuse to be outdrawn in a poker game. One of the worst hands you can be dealt is just suited connectors (two cards of the same suit). There are just too many combinations of cards missing to be safe with this hand.
If you are risking a lot of chips with your hand selection, you need to reconsider your risk vs. reward ratio. The way you make money in poker is to make a lot of small mistakes and then when you make a big mistake, make the big mistake. The big mistake is your life changing hand. The best way to get out of making bad calls is to limit your handedness to between 30% and 40% of your total hands played per hour.
If you limit your handedness, you can afford to really open up your starting hand selection. Although, you should still select your starting hole cards within the range of your AA/KK/QQ hand. When you play your cards right, you will find yourself with a lot of big mistakes and few opportunities to win big pots.
When you limit your handedness, you open up a lot of playable hands. Which will lead to a lot of playable hands in a lot of different ways. If you have a hand like AT/KQ, you can safely play this hand in a lot more pots than other hands like AK or AQ. As you limit your handedness, you open up more opportunity’s for you to have quality hands.
Another benefit of opening up your starting hand selection is giving you more credibility when you have a weak hand. When you have a hand like 99, you can at least get somebody to call you with AQ or AJ quite often. Although being down quite a bit on the flop, you can still obtain more chips if your opponent has less than the nuts.
In addition to weak starting hands, you should limit yourself to playing over cards from 8 to 10 only. There are just too many people that will want to go to the flop with an Ace or King when they have a weak holding. AQ or KK are by far the best you should be playing pre-flop, and once you limit the hands you can play pre-flop you will probably limit the ones you can win.