Casinos like people to come in the front doors and play with the machines with glittery flashing lights. Some of the glitz and glamour of going to a casino is removed when gambling online, unless you want to have fun.
You have to accept the fact that casinos are in business to make money and the odds are in the house’s favor. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun in trying to win money online. I’m sure that you have fun in going to a casino or playing online poker, or any other gambling game for that matter. Having fun in gambling is one thing, being financially secure is quite another.
But the idea of having fun in gambling, for me, involves money. Money that I have worked for, or earned. I don’t mind the idea of going to a casino and throwing some money away, taking a trip to Las Vegas, playing table games, or spending a weekend in a gorgeous hotel. Those are forms of gambling, and that’s what it is. I have no problem with people who gamble for a living, or people who gamble in their spare time.
I will never tune in to a sporting event to watch a ball player. I certainly understand the reasons why people bet on sports, and I’m certainly happy to have a bet when I go to play poker, or to sit at a casino table, or to watch a football game. I just don’t want to be in the casino playing poker, Blackjack, Roulette, or any other game that requires me to put money into the manifestation of my desire.
If gambling off a credit card is illegal in your home country, just log on to any online casino and set up an account in a foreign bank.
My desire is to win money. Oh, I understand that. My brother-in-law explains it all to me. He says that there are really lucky people out there, and he (and other lucky people) can win at gambling more often than handicappers and statisticians can. To understand this, let me explain the difference between gambling, and predicting the outcome of something.
Gambling is subconsciously something we do with our eyes closed. We look at a spring running now, and we are convinced it will be a sunny day soon.rative guesswork behind the idea that it will rain is that we have become attuned to the external world, and so we keep predicting it will rain. The spring is still wet, but we know it will stop raining eventually.
In the same way, when we make a wager, we are trying to influence the outcome of a future event. We are taking a risk, and betting with our eyes closed. This is different from saying someone else should win, because we are betting against the proposition, not with it.
People addicted to gambling will say, “Well, if the pool is half full, and there’s 10 people, it must be Pokerbo.” Think about that. If you bet $5, and five people you know are going to lose, you are going to win $5. If there’s 100 people there, and 50 are going to win, then you are $5 ahead.
This is an example of something called a reverse positive expectation, which is how the law of large numbers works. A lot of people think it’s the luck of the Irish that keeps on coming back to Ireland time and time again to enjoy the beauty of their land, the people, and the atmosphere, but it’s the law of large numbers at work.
So the conclusion is, if you are going to gamble, study the crowd, the odds, and history. If you want to win, then put your money on the best bet that you can make. If you are playing the game of life, not the game of basketball, it’s better to leave the table when you are behind, and come back later.