Gambling can change your life dramatically for the better, Can it? Based on what you’ve heard or read, you probably think it only happens to people who are unfortunate enough to get caught gambling. Not quite! Gambling is not exclusive to those with distinguished bank accounts and annual salaries deposited in the accountants of the world. It can regularly happen to regular people all across the world, especially in countries where sports betting is allowed. Gambling is also a part of sporting events, with people betting on everything ranging from baseball, cricket, football, tennis, horse racing to baseball, cricket, football, horseracing and baseball.
Sports betting is usually legal in countries that allow gambling, as long as the gambling isn’t done behind the back. Of course, not everyone is living above a resort, but the fact remains that millionaires and billionaires regularly place bets on sporting events, particularly football, as well as other kinds of sports.
Not everyone can afford to take the risk of gambling, though. The reality is that a lot of people, including the poor, can’t afford to lose the kind of money that could’ve been lost. As such, the poor often end up losing more than they can afford, which then results in them borrowing money in an attempt to pay off their gambling debt. The borrow money soon comes due, and they find themselves deep in debt, thus begins the vicious cycle again.
However, if you can change the way you think, you might be on the way to having a more enjoyable experience with gambling. If you’re like most people, you want to win, and would prefer to win rather than lose. You want to feel good, not only satisfaction, when you gamble.
Of course, you shouldn’t compare gambling to eating healthy, living out of debt, or having a good time in general. But you can compare it to something that’s worth your time and effort. When you compare it to something like learning how to play the lotto, you’re forced to stop the self-sabotaging patterns so you can feel good, and thus start to see gambling as a form of entertainment, even if you have to put a little of your money up to do so.
Do you gambling for a lot of fun or for a lot of money? If you’re in the latter category, perhaps you should consider getting into gambling for a living. If you can make it your primary means of income, you’ll be on the road to financial freedom, (unless you actually run out of money, that is). Learning how to gamble for a living will open the door to a whole new life of fulfillment for you. (And we all know how unsuccessful many are who keep trying to break the big money formula.) Keep in mind, however, that no matter what your profession, you’re still gambling, which means there will be losses.
The way to get started with gambling for a living, (and by means of course, nothing comes for free) is to take a shot at making a small fortune. It doesn’t have to be a large sum of money, but it has to be a substantial amount of money. Even $10,000 is a good start.
What you’re going to need is a preferably small income, somewhere around $30,000 to $60,000, aspirations that you can build on for the next two or three years while betting the house on the occasional hunch or using horse betting systems. You’ll need to build up an emergency fund if you lose your job, or perhaps create a second one to act as insurance. You’ll also need to build up either a savings or investments fund, which you’ll use to place your bets.
You do not have to make any decisions yet on how much you’re going to invest, (no fixed period of time here either, you can make your first bet today instead of thinking about it for a while) but you do need to decide now how much initial money you’re going to put aside. Having a set period of time to play with your “invested” money is a good idea, you can take a break when you have a bad run at the table or when you feel you’re not winning any bets.
Be careful not to get emotionally involved or invested in your “Vodka138” or your hunch teams. If the lead seems to be getting bigger and bigger and you begin to follow it, step away and re-adjust. Re-adjust? Yes indeed. Adjust again? Yes indeed. You must keep moving on, keep betting only as an occasional aside and not as your main source of income.